In the Inland Empire, about 700 foster youth age out of the system each year. About eight percent attempt a college degree and many end up homeless.Continue Reading

The Inland Empire Heroes Awards honors those who make an impact through their brave and compassionate actions and who demonstrate a commitment to creating safer, stronger communities in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.Continue Reading

These flyovers incur no additional cost to the taxpayer. Residents in the areas should be able to see the KC-135 Stratotanker (a refueling aircraft) and the C-17 Globemaster III (a cargo aircraft).Continue Reading

The property, and the land it is built on, is owned by the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. The storied site was first made famous in 1963 when part of the filming of “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World” took place across its desert sands. Continue Reading