VLADA VLASIC, CEO and founder of Vlada’s Seeds of Life—a Temecula nonprofit promoting life skills and families sharing healthy, homemade meals together—is giving away $440,000 worth of fruit and vegetable seeds throughout the Inland Empire.

The “Little Sprouts” project, sponsored by Golden Valley Seed and Ahern Seed Co., will be distributed through local libraries. “Suicide, depression, anxiety and other emotional and mental illnesses are on the rise among our youth. We are doing all we can to bring attention to the importance of well-connected families and a healthy family environment,” says Vlasic, who also hosts the “Cooking and Kids” TV show on several public access stations in the region and beyond. In addition, Vlada’s Seeds of Life hosts “America Dines-In,” a free monthly speaking, cooking and dining event that focuses on how proper nutrition, connected families and communities can impact physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Plus, her “Growing Strong” project provides one-on-one lifestyle coaching to foster youths that have “aged” out of the system, struggling families and single moms.

These sessions offer free cooking classes and ideas on creating healthy meals on a budget. See vladaseedsoflife.com for more informa- tion and details about obtaining seeds from area libraries. – Tammy Minn

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